Father-Mother God


Sep 24 2023


2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

A talk by Violet Snow about the discoverer of Christian Science and her approach to gender and women’s rights.

TO VIEW A VIDEO OF THE TALK, GO TO https://youtu.be/JDpxSz4H0jM

Mary Baker Eddy founded a major religion at a time when women could not vote and were rarely allowed to preach in churches. Her writings contain references to the equality of the sexes, and she presented a concept of God as both feminine and masculine. Her example, coupled with her radical spiritual insights, can inspire anyone seeking to break through apparent limitations in life.

This talk will describe how the Christian Science and the women’s suffrage movement were intertwined, and we’ll discuss what it means to see God as Father-Mother.

Violet Snow wrote for the Woodstock Times for 17 years. She is a practicing Christian Scientist and the author of a historical novel, To March or to Marry, about suffrage and women’s clubs in the early 1900s.

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